30 December 2008

Freda's Myminicity, Frévilla

Some time ago, our dog, Freda, began to build her own myminicity, Frévilla, in Spain. In her honor, I am going to continue construction in Frevilla. I hope that you might stop by and help out once in a while. You might even want to start your own city.

Several of Freda's friends have also started their own cities. Charlie started New Charleroi in France, Joe Stains started Stainsville here in the United States and Sophie began to build the Italian city of Sophenze.

As each city's population grows, industry and transportation needs will grow also. To add an industry to some one's city, or your own, you will need to add the letters "ind" to the end of the URL before going to that address. For example, the URL "http://new-charleroi.myminicity.com/" will increase the population, but "http://stainsville.myminicity.com/ind" will add an industry to Joey's city. The same applies for transportation. Adding "tra" to the URL and "http://sophenze.myminicity.com/tra" will add a transportation upgrade to Sophie's city.

It sounds a little confusing but once you get the knack it is quite easy. Just remember to add the three letter code to the basic URL to add something other than a new inhabitant. As the cities grow more options will be available.

An IMPORTANT POINT: You can click on each city only once a day from the same computer.

Clicking on Frevilla-ind right now will add an industry to Freda's city.

Clicking Frevilla-tra will add a transportation upgrade.

Let me know if you have started a city and I will help you. Help some friends, have fun and thank you.


P.S. I have started my own city at Iquitoz - MyMiniCity.


Pippa said...

I'll try and remember to visit. I usually visited from Freda's but didn't realise about the clever way to add extra stuff rather than just peeps.

Thanks for explaining. Guess I'll have to remember to add yours to the list too. :D


James said...

Thanks, Kate. All help will be appreciated. Another one of those web traps that keep you from doing important things.

Does Pippa have a minincity?

James ∆≈/∆±