27 October 2010

This is not a pretty picture.

Perhaps those that don't get it should swim a mile in Hudson Bay.

Posted via email from South of Tonight

26 October 2010

Steelcase Sofa and Chair - $2500 San Francisco Scavenger | Apartment Therapy San Francisco. A member of our family reupholstered this fine set.

Congratulations. It looks great. Nice company.

Posted via email from South of Tonight

Paul the Octopus dies | PRI's The World

Unbelievable record, Paul. Thanks for your amazing prognostications.

Posted via email from South of Tonight

There are many articles about picking a good name for your company. So why Cisco = whitefish, and Yahoo = a race of brutes?

Yahoo - 1. (in Swift's Gulliver's Travels) one of a race of brutes, having the form and all the vices of humans, who are subject to the Houyhnhnms. 2. (lowercase) an uncultivated or boorish person; lout; philistine; yokel. 3. (lowercase) a coarse or brutish person. Cisco - -noun, pl.(especially collectively) -co, (especially referring to two or more kinds or species) -coes, -cos. 1. any of several whitefishes of the genus Coregonus, of the Great Lakes and smaller lakes of eastern North America. Always thought it was the "cisco" from San Francisco. Or is it from The Cisco Kid? That one I like. These names do not instill confidence in my opinion. But you know me.

Posted via email from South of Tonight

Brrrr, at 7:30 this morning.

Feels like 42. 67 today and 43 tonight. Have received 2.23 inches of rain so far this month, normally .75 inches. A colder winter predicted this year.

Posted via email from South of Tonight

25 October 2010

What do you do when you lose your love handles? What are you supposed to hold on to?

Mine are fading away. Hope this is not a sign of the future.

Posted via email from South of Tonight

CHINESE MEDICINE GAINING RESPECTABILITY IN WEST / FDA support for testing of botanical drugs helps boost credibility of ancient herbal treatments (2006)

http://ht.ly/2YzkB The cynics have either not tried Traditional Chinese Medicine, are afraid to try TCM or they are worried the truth may disrupt the strangle hold the pharmaceuticals have on Western medicine and pad their pockets. Which fosters more confidence, approximately 200 years of Western (let's drug the hell out of the symptom no matter the side effects) medicine or 6000+ years of Chinese (let's treat the cause) medicine? At least the FDA has finally opened its eyes.   Legally, Western doctors can only prescribe patented drugs. This is due to a deal made between the pharmaceuticals and the government decades ago so the pharmas could continue their monopoly and gravy train. Notice the fish oil adverts? Why now? Because this particular fish oil is patented. Thus the green light and high cost when prescribed. We have known the benefits of fish oil for thousands of years but the drug companies did not have their fingers in the process. Now they do. So many of the illnesses mentioned on TV can be treated or reduced in severity with acupuncture and herbs. The choice is yours.

Posted via email from South of Tonight

CHINESE MEDICINE GAINING RESPECTABILITY IN WEST / FDA support for testing of botanical drugs helps boost credibility of ancient herbal treatments (2006)

http://ht.ly/2YzkB The cynics have either not tried Traditional Chinese Medicine, are afraid to try TCM or they are worried the truth may disrupt the strangle hold the pharmaceuticals have on Western medicine and pad their pockets. Which fosters more confidence, approximately 200 years of Western (let's drug the hell out of the symptom no matter the side effects) medicine or 6000+ years of Chinese (let's treat the cause) medicine? At least the FDA has finally opened its eyes.   Legally, Western doctors can only prescribe patented drugs. This is due to a deal made between the pharmaceuticals and the government decades ago so the pharmas could continue their monopoly and gravy train. Notice the fish oil adverts? Why now? Because this particular fish oil is patented. Thus the green light and high cost when prescribed. We have known the benefits of fish oil for thousands of years but the drug companies did not have their fingers in the process. Now they do. So many of the illnesses mentioned on TV can be treated or reduced in severity with acupuncture and herbs. The choice is yours.

Posted via email from South of Tonight

A warning to those patriots who want the country to return to the original dead Constitution rather support our present living Constitution.

Are you prepared to give up the following?: Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, the right to a speedy trial, abolishment of slavery, Woman's Suffrage and the right to vote at age 18 to name a few. 

Posted via email from South of Tonight

23 October 2010

Huskers, Tigers and Giants win. Great games coming up.

aWeSoMe MiD CeNTuRY MoDeRN STeeLCaSe SoFa & CHaiR - ReuPHoLSTeReD!

Have seen it and looks awesome. Know the craftsperson.

Posted via email from South of Tonight

To be, or not to be sociable on Facebook - that is the question:

To be, or not to be sociable on Facebook - that is the question: 

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer with
The slings and arrows of its outrageous incompetence and ever growing influence
Or remove myself from a sea of troubles... 
(Apologies to Mr. Shakespeare.)

I am a contrarian and always have been. With Skype and Microsoft joining Facebook and now with FB's latest security breech through their games, I'm not comfortable with their policies nor their business model. Their improvements do not make it easier to use their product. Their new "easier" method of uploading photos actually makes it more difficult for me. 

Facebook is a monolith and growing ever larger and careless. Like Monsanto, which controls much of our food industry and is destroying our environment, let alone our health, Facebook is doing the same with the Internet. Now we learn that they filter which of our posts are seen and by whom. I do not post just to see my thoughts in print. I care that my friends see what I have to say and my interests. It is up to them if they want to read my drivel and rants or not, not Mr. Zuckerberg. Talk about Big Brother. 

Facebook does not need to make more money with my help. They will no longer do so. In the near future I am suspending my FB account. I rather give my business to the smaller guys. I hope Diaspora and Cafebots start up soon. Will certainly give them a try. I will keep my blogs, Twitter and Posterous accounts.

I have made many great new friends and reconnected with old friends. I have had fun. I will miss the relationships we have made. Many of them started on Twitter and my blog. It's not you, it's Facebook. If you wish to follow me at my other sites, wonderful. I certainly understand if you do not. It may be seen as a selfish decision but I must make it. I have to take a stand against the machine. After talking the talk, it is now time for me to walk the walk. 

Posted via email from South of Tonight

17 October 2010

Eating more organically and less dairy. :-)

Why US milk is BANNED from ALL of Europe. The truth about our beef. | Care2 Share

Read article via

Returned to rice milk. Don't know why I stopped drinking it. The government states that cattle can be labeled as grass fed if they are on grass 99% of their lives. The remaining 1% can be filled with hormones. Be absolutely sure you know where your beef came from and how it was raised. The number one cause of cardiovascular problems is the consumption of non-grass fed beef.

Like E*Trade baby advert with iPad, dog and smart phone.

First sign of winter.

Our first rain of fall 2010.

Posted via email from Preposterouz by Iquitoz

15 October 2010

Wonderful lunch at Pineapple Restaurant, Isleton, CA

We had a great lunch but are snacking several hours after the meal. Hmm... It must be true. Will return when the fancy strikes us. Wonderful food and service.

Posted via email from Preposterouz by Iquitoz

12 October 2010

Hope you had a great "Encounter Day".

We need to rename "Columbus Day". The decimation of millions of "Native Americans" is blamed on several European countries. The results of those visits could have been caused by any nation at an earlier time or later time. Columbus Day could be called "New World Day" if the Vikings and the unknown Oriental cultural that preceded them are equally celebrated. But then New World may be incorrect. Considering the numerous advances in the "western" hemisphere at the time Europeans arrived, the question is, which hemisphere should be considered the "New World". Perhaps "Encounter Day" would be a better choice.  

Posted via email from Preposterouz by Iquitoz

11 October 2010

Beautiful Commercial From Thailand: Disconnect to connect. [VIDEO]

This short video should change your mind about the time you spend on social networks. Have been rethinking my Facebook and Twitter accounts for several reasons. This adds fuel to the fire of decision.

Posted via email from Preposterouz by Iquitoz

07 October 2010

Frito-Lay sends noisy, 'green' SunChips bag to the dump

These particular consumers need to be composed. Put the chips in a bowl FGS. Frito-Lay should not have backed down. Their bottom line is more important than the environment.

Posted via email from Preposterouz by Iquitoz

Off to world's largest corn maze this weekend.

Not that far away. Reminds us of our trek through the hedge maze at Longleat. http://bit.ly/dc421m

Posted via email from Preposterouz by Iquitoz

03 October 2010

Donald meets Glenn on Open Culture

Well done, Donald. Kudos to Jonathan McIntosh. Open Culture is a great resource.

Posted via email from Preposterouz by Iquitoz